
Here is where you can find our general member form and debate team form for those interested in taking part in our club and events. We will briefly explain the two tiers below:

General Members (or Club Members) is the broad term we use to describe everybody that is in the Debate Club. General members will be able to participate in our socials, seminars, and debate practices if they so choose. 

There is no official process to becoming a club member, so feel free to come to any events featured on our GryphLife page or Discord server! You can react with the “Club Members” role on our Discord to be granted access to more channels. You can also follow us on our social medias for more information or use our newsletter subscription box at the bottom of the page if you would like emails about each of our new events (Emails used in the form will be automatically signed up for our MailChimp and can be unsubscribed from at any time).

The Debate Team is a subset of students within the club who typically participate in our events and are interested in representing the University of Guelph in debate tournaments across Canada. As a team, we will plan travelling and housing plans together for each competition depending on who is interested in attending and how far the location is. We will do our best to prepare anybody interested in competing with the resources to improve their skills and ready them for entering the competitive environment of debate tournaments. We recommend attending our club events and practicing some debate skills before applying.

We have a channel within our Discord server dedicated to the process of applying for the Debate Team (#debate-team-applications). If you are unable to see it, you will need to go to #roles and give yourself the “Club Member” role. After that, you can follow that instructions listed in the Discord channel. We will check in with everybody who applies to either confirm their placement on the team or touch base on where they can improve to be placed on our team (either more participation in our events or more practice with debate). Team members are allowed to pick and choose which competitions they would like to take part in, so they are not required to be present in each tournament that the U of G Debate Club is attending.