Executive Team

(This page is a work in progress as we begin the first semester of the U of G Debate Club’s return. We would like to shine a spotlight on the hard-working executive team that has made this revitalization possible. As a result, we will be creating an interview-styled video to display in this section, along with some professional profile showcases. We will promote this video on our social media platforms once it is complete. Thank you for your patience!)

If any previous executive teams would like their names listed on this page, please email us at debate@uoguelph.ca as we would love to feature you here!

2023-2024 Team

President: George Dumitru

VP Internal: Will Cheng


Director of Communications: Serena Zhang

Marketing Director: Justin Dixon

Treasurer(s): Suruthika Senthilkumaran & Reeva Timilsena


Tournament Director: George Dumitru

Equity Officer: Justin Dixon