
Here is a list of all upcoming U of G Debate Club events with information about the event details, time, and location. We will also describe every event type we have, how they work, and who is eligible to participate in them in the drop-down menu.

All of these events can be found on our GryphLife page as well, where you will be able to RSVP your spot for the event (we highly recommend everyone to RSVP each event they plan on attending). You will also be able to find RSVP links for each event through this website, along with information about each venue in its separate clickable menu at the bottom of the event page.

Please email us at if you have any questions about any of the events listed here.

  • Socials – These are casual events hosted by the Debate Club for all Gryphons (whether you’re in the club or not). These socials will include fun games and interesting discussions as an overarching theme. We encourage everybody to show up, bring a friend, and participate!
    • There are no restrictions on who can attend these socials! Simply RSVP for the event and you should be good to attend.
  • Seminars – These are weekly meetings hosted by club president George Dumitru to teach members about the world of debate and its applications to the real world. This will help club members prepare for internal debate competitions and tournaments, but will also help to solidify debate as a practice that applies to day-to-day life. Some of the major themes for this semester include Politics & Economics, History, Law & Culture, and Health & Science. We will occasionally have guest speakers at our seminars as well, including U of G professors and talented debaters.
    • These seminars are restricted to Club Members. To become a Club Member, simply fill out the General Member Form on the Register page. Afterwards, RSVP the seminars that you plan on attending!
  • Internal Competitions – These are monthly competitions hosted by the Debate Club to challenge students in a real debate setting. Active club members will be able to apply what they have learned in the weekly seminars to the debate competition at the end of the month. This will also help prepare members who have an interest in competing in tournaments outside of U of G while still creating a fun and constructive learning environment. This event is open to the public for spectating, but those who wish to participate will have to be on our Debate Team or be an Active Club Member depending on the availability of our event. For more information about the Internal Competitions, check out our FAQ page.
    • Spectators: Spectators for the event must also be Club Members. To become a Club Member, simply fill out the General Member Form in the Register tab. Afterwards, RSVP the competition and check the “spectating” box to attend!
    • Participants: Participation in these competitions is restricted to Team Members and Active Club Members. Those who come to the seminars and are planning on participating in external tournaments get priority, as the time we have allotted to each competition is limited. If you would like to participate, RSVP the event and check the “participating” box. We will then review all participants and announce later who makes the draw.
  • Tournaments – The U of G Debate Club plans on enlisting in official debate tournaments hosted by other schools and debate organizations. The tournaments we plan on attending can be found on the calendar including where the competition is held or whether it’s in-person or virtual. However, these dates are the most subject to change depending on our resources for travelling and the overall interest of the team.
    • Tournaments are restricted to Team Members only. For more information on how to qualify and participate, check out our Register page under the Team Members drop-down.